About us
Project No2 was founded by R. Onur Duru and Can Ali Çalışandemir in the begining of the 2019 - 2020 theater season. The Art Director of the theater is R.Onur Duru.
While they are producing art and creating the aesthetics off and on the stage, they set out from the socio-cultural and socio-political structure of the society.
Theater Proje No2 artists aim to capture the modern world theater, understand the people of the country they live in, and create an avant-garde line.
1. Hierarchy
General Artistic Director and Founders
Other employees
a) This hierarchy is a management model, not a superiority hierarchy. Project No2 is the theater of equals, not superiors. Everyone who has the right to speak on the decisions taken speaks and votes.
2. The purpose of establishment:
Our theater is a community of artists who perform art with the socio-cultural and socio-political perceptions of the modern age. Project No2 aims to capture the language of world theater as a theater, to understand the people of the country it lives in, and to create an avant-garde line in its artistic journey.
3. Founding Principles:
Respect for labour,
Fair distribution of income,
Democratic sharing of ideas,
Innovative and original projects
a) Theater Respecting Labor
Project No2 employees know that theater is a work done “together”, although nobody is indispensable, the work done by everyone is superior and important. Everyone is like links in a chain.
All employees will primarily do their own work and then support their colleagues and other colleagues.
b) Fair Income Distribution
It means the right to daily wages, subsistence, food and transportation, which will not be less than what he deserves in return for each effort, and there will be no gap between him and the other employee, and distributed fairly.
a) For the cost calculation, taxes should also be calculated and transferred to the theater vault.
c) Democratic Idea Sharing
The artists of our theater are intellectuals and creators. From this perspective, game suggestions, projects and innovative perspectives are the common products of our artists. Each idea is evaluated under the chairmanship of the General Artistic Director and decided according to the results of the joint discussions.
During the rehearsals, everyone's right to speak and the power to stand against what they do not believe is guaranteed by this text. If the artistic disagreements cannot be resolved within the team, it is decided by the discussion opened under the chairmanship of the General Artistic Director.
d) Innovative and Original Projects
Project No2's projects should be innovative and original. The selected texts may not be newly written, but every creation should be where today's theater, world theater is and in its own originality.
New projects, which are the primary responsibility of the General Art Director, are presented to the employees every season and are expected to be accepted.
Being prepared for any new and original ideas of other artists is a normal attitude for Proje No2.
e) Aesthetics
Our artists produce art with aesthetics. Searching for aesthetics and beauty and creating a new form with them is the signature of our theatre.
4. Voting on the Manifesto
This manifesto was read to all employees at the establishment stage and approved unanimously. The founding manifesto is an enlightened text that is far from being a doctrine, always open to development. Amendment of the manifesto can only be made by voting of each item by all employees and is possible unanimously.